At last, a color match which works, won't break the bank, and can be used anywhere. This is a series of 3 methods, allowing you to perform a "color match" effect. "That is super clever" - Peter Turner There are 7 routines included: - 5 from me - and 2 from Peter Turner The popular marketed versions of this…
he Four Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing is a two-phase four-card mentalism routine. It enables you to see the locations of four cards through your Participant even after the cards are mixed. - No force involved - No secret markings - No gimmicks - You don't need to see how the cards are mixed - The Participant has freedom on the…
The Four Mystery Presents: Influence is a follow-up effect from a previous release. It is a three-phase card-matching mentalism routine that demonstrates your ability to influence the cards of the Participant. - No sleights - No secret markings - No gimmicks - Very little memory work - The Participant has freedom in the mixing process This effect exploits the different…
The mentalist and participant play a card game involving rock, paper, scissors. Even though the participant makes all the decisions throughout the game, the mentalist ends up always right. - No force - No setup is required - No long process - Participant always decides and yet you are always right This effect requires you to have custom cards made.…
Person of Interest is an upgrade to the original effect "Mental Assassin." This is a pocket mentalism effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime, anywhere. The participant thinks of a word and a person associated with the chosen word and the mentalist is able to identify both every time. - No truth teller/liar plot - No…
The Bicycle Word Test is a think of a word effect that uses common props used among Magicians and Mentalists. The Spectator is asked to think of a word using this prop and the Mentalist is able to divine the word successfully. - No asking of questions - No secret writing - No anagram involved - Simple mind-reading method -…
Here is what happens: - you remove a billet from a stack, hand it to a person and ask them to draw a simple drawing (you can ask them to write/draw anything) - the billet is placed face-down into the stack - you place the stack on the table/in your pocket/in their hands if you're ballsy - you got a…
The Spectator hides an imaginary object in either their right hand, left hand, or pocket. Through a series of clever questions - which do not seem to give away anything - the Mentalist is able to determine its location. - Does not use "truth teller/liar" plot - The Spectator answers the questions in their mind - Can be performed via video…
The Mentalist invites four Spectators for a drawing experiment. Three of them are asked to draw while the fourth Spectator acts as a medium between the Mentalist and the other three Spectators. The Mentalist is able to identify the owner of the drawings, including the chosen drawing of the Fourth Spectator, and then finally, the Mentalist demonstrates his skill in…
The Spectator plays a "Charades" like game with the Mentalist. And in every round of the game, the Mentalist always gets it right. Lastly, the Mentalist performs a mind reading effect that identifies objects that the Spectator is thinking of. - No forcing - Can be performed via video call - Can be propless - Can include a drawing duplication…
This is a billet peek method which can be built into almost any normal/everyday wallet (I've never seen a wallet that wouldn't work). Allows for a full peek No strange or unnatural movements Get the peek right away, with no need to come back to it later Takes 5 minutes to make (or less) You probably already have the materials… Bringer of Light allows you to mystically reveal (or force) a name, number, symbol, or drawing, within the scorch mark from a flame. Key Points: zero advance preparation, can be setup right in front of the spectators, you can borrow the pen and paper, instant reset What separates this from existing "fire reveal" effects, is that you CHOOSE when…
Magic, Mentalism, and Mysticism Volume 3 Contains: - "The Pond Force" - creative force for simple shapes - 6 fully-scripted routines + variations - A method for turning rain to blood - Essays on creating memorable experiences - A book test - Additional methods and notes for each routine - How to make a switching box This is not just…
Magic, Mentalism, and Mysticism Volume 4 Contains: - 3.5 Routines - 3 Billet Peeks - Ploys and Additional Ideas - How to make a swami - 2 Update PDFs with expansions on one of the ploys Peek a folded billet, using a your own wallet as the peek device! - They write the information - They fold the billet - You slide it into your wallet, close the wallet, and you read their mind. There is no need to go back to your wallet later for the peek. The workings are very simple, you can use… Make a peek device, which allows you to peek a selection, while it is in the deck, and while the deck is in the box! Imagine this: - You turn your back - They shuffle the deck - They select one card - They replace it reversed in the deck - They shuffle again - You turn to face…